Sunday, February 13, 2011

POOR Aspen!!!!

taken Sat morning/afternoon.

Taken Saturday morning/afternoon

Taken Saturday morning/afternoon

Taken Sunday morning

Taken Sunday morning.

These two pictures that I took on Sunday this is what the rash turned into in not even one day. By Saturday night this is what it looked like.

Okay so I hope this doesn't gross anybody out but I decided to blog about it anyway. For those moms who have gone through this I feel your pain and feel bad for your children. For those moms who haven't been through this I sure hope you don't have to experience it. It is horrible and I feel so bad! Apsen was running a fever all day long on Thursday but I thought it was because she was trying to cut teeth. Then on Friday after she woke up from her nap she had a slight rash on the right side of her face. Just a little bit I thought it was because that was the side of her face she was sleeping on. Then later on in the day I noticed a couple of red spots on her chest and belly. But I wasn't worried about it at all. But low and behold. I WAS WRONG!!! Saturday morning when she woke up to my surprise she was covered in a rash. I mean covered from head to toe. So I called the clinic after hours phone number and got a hold of the Dr. he told me to come in right away so of course I headed down. I actually had to go twice on Saturday I went in the morning and then I called back because the rash got worse and spread bad. So I went back late that night. She had a follow up appt. on Friday they tested her for strep and it was negative they told me everything looked good so I went home. Then when I went back on Saturday morning they did another strep test and it was positive so they gave her a shot. When I went back that night they did the test again and it was negative so they did some blood work and a couple of more test so I guess we will see what they have to tell me. But they discovered that the rash that she had was called a viral exanthem rash. It looks a whole lot worse than it really is but I feel so bad for her. It itches so she tries to scratch it all over her body. I have a few things I have to watch for to make sure it doesn't turn into some serious problems. But I sure hope it clears up soon and doesn't last forever. I hope you get feeling better Aspen. We love you!!!

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you dont mind that I am commenting on your blog =) BUT Oh my GOsH! I feel so sorry for you!! That would terrify me!....I hope she gets feeling better.
