Friday, September 24, 2010

Big Shoes to Fill

Sorry I haven't posted for awhile but nothing has really been happening except for everyday life.
I got these pictures while the kids were playing with Ben's boots and and hat. The kids love to put his boots on and walk around the house when they can actually walk sometimes they put the boots on and have a hard time walking because they are so large and cover most of there legs. Patton loves to wear his dads cowboy hat and even though it is way to big he just looks so freaking cute in it. I just thought I would share this with you nothing big but oh well.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Patton loves this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every time we go over to my parents house Patton runs to the back room to the books. He always brings out these two books that are in this post. The books are about trucks and tractors and he loves them. He always wants my mom or dad to read them to him the other day I caught them on camera. He loves books and loves to be read too. He is growing up so fast I wish I could just stop time a little bit. Oh how I love this boy. He is my favorite boy!!

First day of dance.

I put Addilee in dace this year because I thought it would be good for her and something for her to do don't know if is something she will enjoy in the years to come but she likes it now so I thought I might as well put her in. She went to her first day this week and she loved it. I hope that she will continue to have fun and enjoy herself. I really didn't know what to expect because it has been a very long time since I had anything to do with dance. She was excited to wear her pettie skirt to her dance and she looked adorable. She loved it and that is all that matters.

Labor Day cont.....

Macee thought that she had a little baby doll with Aspen around. She loved her to death. She wanted her around everywhere she went. When I had Aspen on the floor in the trailer Macee thought she need her to lay down so she could pat her on the back and lay on her to give her loves. She liked to pull her hair and be a momma. The other pictures are Parker and Addilee being pushed in the hammock by Ben. He really had them a going I thought for sure they were going to fall off. They were laughing the whole time but you could tell that they were a little scared if not a lot. It made Meagan so nervous that she couldn't even stand there to watch. I finally had to tell Ben to please stop. They sure had a good time though.

Labor Day!

We went up to Cedar Mountain this year for labor day. My uncle Grant owns some property so we took the trailer up and camped with the family. We had my family my brother and parents, my Uncle Grant and Joan and all there kids except Annie's husband, My Aunt Rita and Larry, My Uncle Rulon and Aunt Tam, Kyson, Jessica and Koden. We had lots of people and lots of fun. I got some fun pictures. We stayed Friday night till Monday morning. It was lots of fun glad we went. My mom and dad took Addilee on a four wheeler ride and caught a horny toad a little tiny one. The picture of Addilee and Parker holding the bottle has the horny toad in it. Boy they were happy kids they had a pet or so they thought. My kids got so dirty everyday I couldn't keep them clean but they sure enjoyed themselves. Thanks everyone for making the weekend great!

Cornfest Fun!

Can I just say that I love my grandparents so much they mean the world to me and I don't get to see them often enough. These are pictures of my grandpa and Patton and my grandma and Addilee and Patton. Every year my grandparents come to Enterprise for the Cornfest. The year my kids loved spending time with my grandparents as you can see. I just thought I would share some of my favorite pictures with you. I also love the rest of my family who was able to attend and you know who you are. It was so good to get to see everyone and spend time with family. I love you lots.